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Star HumanNature
What we get up to

Group Founder: club59
Description: For ppl who want to understand or know why we humans do such strange, weird and wonderful things with or to our bodies!!!
Group Type: Public join
Members: 13
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (6)

go Heartache (1) club59
go Do u believe in love (0) tigerdol
go ur subjects (5) club59
go Love (7) club59
go Cybering (1) club59
go s*x (0) club59

Polls (5)

go Is there a s*x life after u r 40yr?
go Must a female have 1st time s*x to please her boyfriend?
go Is there too much of a gud thing?
go Is s*x a taboo subject in your country?
go Can having s*x chat be harmful?

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